Lea @ Dulcedo Model Management
As I mentioned the other day, I said I was planning some shoots with the new faces of Dulcedo Model Management. My first shoot here was set up with Léa. She is so gorgeous and it was hard to believe she had done only 1 other shoot before mine! Incredible. SO INCREDIBLE that one of the shots I submitted from our shoot was chosen by the editors of Vogue Italia for their online photo gallery. Needless to say I am being way calmer typing this then my reaction when refreshing my page on Wednesday and seeing one photo still displayed on the screen. I have submitted hundreds of photos throughout this past year or longer, I used to choose the photos really carefully then be discouraged when none were approved, then I stopped being so particular and decided to give a variety when choosing 3 a day. Anyways, I was 100% not expecting them to chose any but I was ecstatic when I found out. VOGUE. V O G U E pinch me please
^^ Also, this was my FIRST shoot with a model that belonged with an agency.... It can only go up from here, yes? pinch me pinch me pinch me
Here's a link to the actual image, click to put it in fullscreen. Love
So in love.
Got these cool looking guys down on St Laurent last Friday for the shoot